

Original price was: $23.62.Current price is: $19.99.

SKU: SP0089 Categories: , ,


You might be a BIKER if…
1. Your best friends are named after Animals
2. Your best shoes have steel toes
3. You have motorcycle parts in your dishwasher
4. Your idea of jewelery is chains and barbed wire
5. You can tell what kind of bugs they are by the taste
6. You’re only sunburned on the back of your hands and neck
7. You know where Sturgis is.

The YOU MIGHT BE A BIKER IF….. is a B lightly embossedB sign measuring 12 x 9in (30 x 20cm). Made from high quality aluminium andB very durable and long lasting andB has greatB durability,quality and appearance.B Each is pre-drilled in two places so ready to hang. We sell for a great price, and offer a wide variety so get yours today! For protection from factory to customer, each is shrink-sealed in plastic film and we freight with extra packing materials to ensure they arrive in tip-top condition.B For protection during delivery we use extra packing materials to ensure they arrive in tip-top condition

The design of this plate is the property of Dixie Souvenirs and our US Supplier.

If you would like novelty signs or number plates made with your own choice of embossed characters, or even a plate or sign made to your own design with a picture background then we can do these for you. Virtually anything you want can be created with our modern digital equipment.B The key is good art, and we can do


Important note about images we provide for novelty signs and plates: Just as we sometimes see that bpricing is subject to change without noticeb, so too are bdesigns subject to change without noticeb. In 99.99% of cases, what you see on Dixiebs website or brochure is what you get. However, there are the odd times when designs have changed in some small way (eg: maybe a logo moves to a different location on the item, or the colour changes). Sometimes this information doesnbt always trickle down until the new designs are manufactured and shipped to Dixie. We hope this is helpful and understandable.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg


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