This post covers names starting with letters from A-K and there is another post covering names starting with letters L-Z
Our PERSONALISED SHED WHITE ON BLACK A-KB novelty number plates are pressed embossed standard Aussie size B 37cm x 13cm aluminium plates and extremely high quality, durable and long lasting and we are proud to say manufactured in Queensland, Australia.B These novelty plates can be hung anywhere inside or outside as each is pre-drilled so ready to hang. For protection during delivery we use extra packing materials to ensure they arrive in tip-top condition
Please note that not all of the names listed have an image reflecting that plate yet, so we have used a generic NO NAMES SHED image. Also note most of the images attached don’t have an apostrophe in the wording, but we can now add in an apostrophe – eg: DADS SHED can be made as DAD’S SHED
In one line of characters there can be no more than 11 characters including spaces, so for example BRUCES SHED is a total of 11 characters, so will fit, but longer names such as FREDERICK’S SHEDB wouldn’t fit on one line, as its 16 characters and we would make FREDERICK’S the top line with SHED beneath.B With two lines of characters the character height is 50mm.
There are many names in the drop down menu but if yourB preference isn’t listed simply order NO NAMES SHED (or any other name) and ensure you send us a note with the order to say what name you want and they can be manufactured in about 4 days
Important note about images we provide for novelty signs and plates: Just as we sometimes see that bpricing is subject to change without noticeb, so too are bdesigns subject to change without noticeb. In 99.99% of cases, what you see on Dixiebs website or brochure is what you get. However, there are the odd times when designs have changed in some small way (eg: maybe a logo moves to a different location on the item, or the colour changes). Sometimes this information doesnbt always trickle down until the new designs are manufactured and shipped to Dixie.B We hope this is helpful and understandable.
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